All models are supported, including the CDTV and CD32, with the exception of the DraCo clone; BoXeR motherboards may work, but have not been tested (and none have been furnished for testing). A3000(T) means A3000 or A3000T tower; A4000(T) means A4000 or A4000T tower. A2000 implies all of the A2000-derivatives (A1500, A2500, etc.). Note that you will need a supported CPU installed.
The following Amigas have an acceptable processor built-in: A2500, A3000, A3000T, A4000/040 (not the A4000/030, which ships with a 68EC030 processor, unless upgraded with an 040 or 060), A4000T/040 and A4000T/060. There has been a report that the last A4000/040s produced by Commodore were shipped with 68LC040's; these computers will not run Linux/m68k unless you upgrade the CPU itself (swap the chip) or swap the CPU card (or use the FPU emulator). All other Amiga models (even the A1000) can have the correct processor (or processors, as needed) added on; see the section called Processor for a comprehensive list of the CPU/MMU/FPU combinations that are supported by Linux/m68k.
You can check whether you have a working PMMU or not using "lawbreaker", a program included in the Enforcer package (available from Aminet).
"Cards" generally refer to Zorro cards, which can be installed in any big box Amiga (and in various tower kits for other models). Some cards here are PCMCIA devices (like those used on laptops), which will only work in the A600 and A1200.
Supported built-in hardware:
SCSI: A3000(T) (WD33c93), A4000T (53c710)
IDE: A1200, A4000(T) (Gayle controller). Some IDE doublers (that comply with the "IDEfix" standard) are also supported.
Serial port
Parallel port
Mouse (2 or 3 buttons; trackballs that require no special drivers will also work). Serial mice may also work with the standard Linux drivers (but are untested).
Joystick (digital DB-9 style). May need to manually enable in your kernel .config file.
Keyboard (keymaps for several keyboards are included in Debian/m68k kbd package; some others are available at
OCS, ECS and AGA chipset graphics (amifb)
Floppy drives (internal and external; double and high density). The Amtrade "clone" should work OK.
Paula sound
Real-time clock: A2000, A3000(T) and A4000(T). Add-on clocks for the A500, A600, A1000 and A1200 that emulate the built-in clocks on the other systems should also work.
All accelerator cards with compatible CPUs are supported (this does not mean that all features of the CPU card, like a SCSI controller, will be available, but the CPU itself should work).
All RAM expansions are supported (but see the section called Amiga with GVP 16-bit RAM in Chapter 6). Non-AutoConfig expansions may not be recognized under all circumstances without a "memory file" (see the section called Amiga with GVP 16-bit RAM in Chapter 6 or the amiboot documentation for details).
Supported IDE cards (experimental):
Individual Computers Buddha
Individual Computers Catweasel
Supported SCSI cards:
Western Digital WD33c93
Commodore A590
Commodore A2091
GVP Series II (also HC+8, A4008, and some 68030 and 68040 accelerators)
NCR 53c710
Commodore/DKB A4091
MacroSystem WarpEngine (built-in)
BlizzardPPC 603e+ (built-in)
NCR 53C9x
BSC/AlfaData Oktagon
Phase5 Cyberstorm Mk I add-on
Phase5 Cyberstorm Mk II add-on
Phase5 Blizzard 1230IV add-on
Phase5 Blizzard 1260 add-on
Phase5 Blizzard 2060 (built-in)
Phase5 Fastlane Z3 (built-in)
Note: If you have an early A4000/040, read the section called Zorro II DMA Bug on A3640 rev 3.0 in Chapter 6.
Supported Ethernet cards:
Commodore A2065 (a2065)
VillageTronic Ariadne (ariadne)
VillageTronic Ariadne2 (kernels 2.0.36+/2.1.124+; ariadne2)
BSC AlfaData Hydra (aka Hydranet; hydra)
CNET40 (PCMCIA; apne)
LinkSys (PCMCIA; apne)
Supported I/O cards:
BSC AlfaData MultiFaceCard III (serial/parallel)
GVP IO-Extender (serial/parallel)
HiSoft Whippet (PCMCIA serial)
ADSG dual-serial board (2.0.36+)
Supported graphics cards (with device names for 2.1/2.2 kernels); see also the Framebuffer HOWTO:
Phase5 Cybervision 64 (cyber)
Phase5 Cybervision 64/3D (virge: 2.0.33+, with patches)
Phase5 BVision PPC and Cybervision PPC (pm2fb): See the Permedia2 framebuffer page for the files you need and any updates; the driver only works under Linux/APUS at the moment (but should be fairly easy to get running under Linux/m68k).
Retina Z3 (retz3)
Cirrus Logic (clgen): See the CLGen page for the files you need and any updates; the drivers should be included in most recent kernels. Note that instructions for using the CLGen driver are not included in the kernel sources, so you will need the CLGen source package for the documentation, even with recent kernels.
Piccolo SD64
VillageTronic Picasso II
VillageTronic Picasso IV
GVP Spectrum